The power of essential oils in everyday life is remarkable. Take a look at a few of my personal, in home essential oil videos posted below. These will give you a great idea of just a few ways we are still using oils!
The best way to get started with the essential oils is to set up a time to chat! Ask me to tell you about the properties of the essential oils and how they work!
essential oils?
I've chosen to work with this brand only because of the transparency, the commitment to purity, and because in 2016 I tested 3 brands of essential oils with a private chemist. He sent me the results and doTERRA was the only brand that had every sample submitted come back pure, clean, free from synthetics, high quality chemical make up, and unadulterated. Since then I have traveled to other countries with doTERRA to observe distillation first hand and provide charitable service to the people of those countries.
Place your first order, click here to go directly to the shopping cart with the products I recommend. You can add or remove products from this cart link! Once your order is placed I will reach out to you for your FREE distance Zyto scan.
Dr. Steuer describes his use of alternative choices within his home and giving his patients the choice, too.
Dr. Steuer describes how essential oils physiologically impact the body systems to improve your mood, concentration, and have a positive impact
Dr. Steuer describes how essential oils have an innate ability to support the body in keeping healthy. This video was mind-blowing for me the first time I saw it. Immediately after viewing it, I visited and began researching, the articles found were eye-opening!
Immune booster
Fall scent is an amazing diffuser blend
Warm and Spicey energizing aroma
Helps the body receive immune support
Protect yourself from illness threats
Mamma's Remedy
Exceptional Whole Food Supplement
Promotes overall wellness and vitality
Provides antioxidant and DNA protection
Improves energy metabolism
Promotes bone health
Supports immune function
Promotes cardiovascular health
Promotes healthy skin, hair, and nails
Supports the eyes, brain, and nervous system
Promotes liver function and digestive health
Supports lung and respiratory health
Gentle on the stomach
Does not contain genetically modified material or dairy
Katelyn describes how she personally uses essential oils in managing her PTSD to get an immediate, positive effect. Through inhalation of essential oils creates a positive mood change.